As my sister would say, I am a walking allergy! So today in good 'ole Soonerland it was and still is a HOT day. News says it is 92 degrees in Norman, and that is hot compared to what we have normally been experiencing. I even broke out in a sweat walking to class.
Well after class I am crusin down the south oval as fast as I could to get to where my apartment shuttle picks me up. As Iwas am arriving I spotted a small tree with a little shade under it. All the trees around here don't have much shade due to the ice storms we have experienced over the years, so finding shade is not always easy.
I plopped my self down under that tree while I waiteedd. I checked facebook on my phone to kill some time while waiting on the shuttle.I glanced up after about two minutes to see my apartment shuttle headed onto the south oval circle drive. I leave my little shade tree happy as a girl could be when starting to experience a warm day like this.
I get into the shuttle with full blast AC going thank you Jesus for AC and I start to cool down. Then it happens I feel my body start to heat up on my arms and legs. I think Oh no here we go with a breakout of some sort of allergic reaction to something. After I get back to the apartment complex I scurried to my apartment as fast as my little legs could carry me, and find that I have whelps all over me. Here is a pic below of whelps that usually appear. Folks this is a mild case of an allergy attack for me.
I did what I always do when this occurs, which is wipe off all areas where a rash is trying to occur with a cold rag or warm depending on the weather and then put some good ole antibiotic ointment on it. If that does not work then I take a shower in this case today is what I had to do.
I recently had allergy test run on me in January. I did not need it done in my opinion cause I could have told you that I was allergic to everything they were going to stick me with a billion times. Having this test done I found out I am allergic to over 13 different kinds of trees and about 6 different grasses.
So I end with this, I found one of those trees out of 13 and one of those grasses I am allergic to all because I was hot. So from now on I have to park my happy little allergic self on a park bench with no shade in the future. Did I mention I am very hot natured?!?
P.S From now on Wednesday will be the day I tell you all about what one goes through with severe allergies like me.