Tuesday, February 23, 2010

I fail

Ok so one of my new years resolutions are all going well, but the one where I am supposed to be blogging more, but have no fear because I am going to try to improve. Enough with that now let you know what I have been up to and what coming up!

  • I started a bible study and it is going really well. I love the girls and love God as well so putting them both together means its extra great. There is about 18 girls total oh and I also make some sweet for bible which they love but they say their hips not so much
  • I have been eating a lot at home lately and man is seems to be working out well for my pocket book and I also try to shop with coupons.
  • This weekend is Spring retreat for my sorority and cannot be more excited. Plus my sister gets to come which makes it ever more better
  • As for working out I think I am either on the 4th or 5th week of working out with Jillian and seeing good things on the scale. I will let you know soon just how much I have lost!
  • Tests are in full swing aroung here. I had a test Monday and another on Thursday. Not to mention the butt load of papers I have been writing!
  • Oh I want to get a puppy for the apartment because nothing makes my heart smile like a puppy can.
  • I got a pedicure the other day and it really makes me want Spring to be here.
  • I also have been drinking a ridiculous amount of water everyday and at times I feel very water logged!
  • Well I don't know much else so back to studying I go!

Hope you have a great week!


Samantha said...

"Plus my sister comes which makes it even more better."

Looks like you fail at grammar too. Geez, have I taught you nothing?

Jessika said...

Test mode must be nationwide. For the past two weeks I've been drowning in school work. Blah! And I want a puppy too!! What kind do you want?
Have fun at retreat!