Tuesday, February 23, 2010

I fail

Ok so one of my new years resolutions are all going well, but the one where I am supposed to be blogging more, but have no fear because I am going to try to improve. Enough with that now let you know what I have been up to and what coming up!

  • I started a bible study and it is going really well. I love the girls and love God as well so putting them both together means its extra great. There is about 18 girls total oh and I also make some sweet for bible which they love but they say their hips not so much
  • I have been eating a lot at home lately and man is seems to be working out well for my pocket book and I also try to shop with coupons.
  • This weekend is Spring retreat for my sorority and cannot be more excited. Plus my sister gets to come which makes it ever more better
  • As for working out I think I am either on the 4th or 5th week of working out with Jillian and seeing good things on the scale. I will let you know soon just how much I have lost!
  • Tests are in full swing aroung here. I had a test Monday and another on Thursday. Not to mention the butt load of papers I have been writing!
  • Oh I want to get a puppy for the apartment because nothing makes my heart smile like a puppy can.
  • I got a pedicure the other day and it really makes me want Spring to be here.
  • I also have been drinking a ridiculous amount of water everyday and at times I feel very water logged!
  • Well I don't know much else so back to studying I go!

Hope you have a great week!

Saturday, January 23, 2010

I am doin what Jillin Micheals likes to call 'The Shred'

Well as of 11:30pm I have completed my fourth day of "The Shred." I like to say that I am still alive and still kickin. This workout is really intense, but I like it A LOT! It's only 20 minutes so it does not take that much time out of your day to get your exercise on.

I am sure the people who live below me just love when I am doing my jumping Jack's and the jump rope. You do all sorts of crunches and with my experience you will be able to tell that you did them. And by doing those jumping Jack's hurt like the devil going down the stairs the worst, but coming up hurts almost just as bad.

Something that boggles my mind when I am doing this workout is when I start getting tired and want to stop for just a second Jillian will say, "Don't stop now you can do it, and don't turn off your t.v. either. Somehow I think she can see me wanting to stop, but no matter how hard it burns I keep going. I hear Thomas the train in my head saying "I think I can, I think I can."

Last but not least if you have not done this workout video you should know that you go none stop for 20 minutes NO BREAKS, which in the end I think makes it better! Oh and this has nothing to do with the workout, but I gave up POP and man I would kill for a PEPSI right now!

Hope you are having a blessed weekend!

Friday, January 1, 2010

My Resolutions

So here they are....................................................

1. I want to lead a bible study with a small group of girl not sure what book I want to do, but want something upbeat and not dry.

2. I also want to get more out of quiet time, so I think leading a bible study that will help.

3, I want to work on my choice of words. I tend to use some words I would rather not sometimes not a lot, but to more than I like.

4. Being in college one thing I have always struggled with this. going back and forth between home and School is not help find a good church that I like in my college town. I want to find one and atten that one every Sunday.

5. I want to blog more. I LOVE reading blogs and can spend hours doing it, so I think I can handle blogging more. I am going to start a blog day that will be called Tasteful Tuesday. I will share recipes that I have tried lately and plus I just love to cook.

6. Everyone says this but I really do have to lose some weight. The doctor said I need to and I know I do so I am going to do my darnest to. I want to lose 20lbs by April. Hope to lose more than that.

7. Contact my friends as much as possible who do not live in same town as me.

8. Last but not least I want to be more spontanious and do somethings at random whether it short roadtrip or going to the movies!

Happy New Year and may your 2010 be filled with many blessings!